All posts - Page 7

Shrink your data into bitfields (and out again)

Some applications want to save every byte. Every last byte! Maybe they have memory constraints, maybe they're sending data over the network, maybe they just like saving bytes. This post goes into how bitfields allow us to shink complex data down into very small representations starting from arbitrary JSON and gradually transforming it down into a bitfield.

Every if statement is an object waiting to be extracted

Turning control flows into objects is not only possible it is sometimes more expressive and useful.

Choose Generic Tools

Don't create all of your tools from scratch.

Hyperlinks you might find interesting — #4

Annotate literally anything, calculus explained with GIFs, the climate tipping point, a history of OS/2, and more!

Running bundle install on rails master

In which I handle bundle install errors for the Rails 6 repo

Use tldr for command line examples

What is tldr? Why it's an easy way to quickly get examples for common CLI commands!

Friday Lunch Links — #3

Diversity, XKCD on machine learning, and bar chart race graphs!

Friday Lunch Links — #2

Dark matter, global map projections, APIs, and quines!