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Things Most Interviewees Fail to Discover

Interviews aren't only for potential future companies and teams to find out about you, you should also use them as an opportunity to find out about them. Here are some things to try and learn.

Rails isn't for beginners

In which I attempt to declare that Rails was never meant to just be a beginner'ss introduction to web programming.

How to use bundler instead of rvm gemsets

No need to manage gemset environments per project!

How to write (and test) a gem to serve static files on the Rails asset pipeline

Want to write a gem that adds static assets to Rails such as a JavaScript library? I've figured out some things.

A Taste of Ruby Metaprogramming

Ruby metaprogramming is not only a powerful feature, it's easy to use as well.

Fun with Rock, Paper, Scissors

Writing Ruby programs to play Rock, Paper, Scissors

Let's Write a Gem: Part 2

In which we wrap up writing a gem and in particular delve into ensure our gem is well tested.

Let's Write a Gem: Part 1

Ever wanted to write a Ruby gem? Let's do that!