Strange Leaflet


You should probably head to the blog. Or perhaps to straight to the featured blog posts.

Since you're here, would you like to see the SVG I made from scratch to be the favicon and logo? It's supposed to be some dotmatrix paper with "SL" in ASCII banner text.

Cool right? I hope so because did I mention I made it from scratch? Also check out how it changes when you switch light/dark modes. And by from scratch I mean I started with a blank SVG file in pixelmator. I hand placed each of those # characters yay.

Another fun fact is that this site is running on Elixir Phoenix + LiveSvelte so I get the amazing power and developer UX of Phoenix for backend capabilities and LiveViews AND the amazing power and developer UX of Svelte for frontend capabilities. LiveSvelte even allows using Svelte components directly in LiveView templates!