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All posts tagged "livebook"

ElixirConf 2022 Talk: Livebook Smart Cells are Amazing

Want to see my ElixirConf talk?

Strange Leaflet about Elixir - Page 8

Looping without mutable data means recursion

Strange Leaflet about Elixir - Page 7

Pattern matching is awesome

Strange Leaflet about Elixir - Page 6

How a GenServer process manages state

Strange Leaflet about Elixir - Page 5

Immutability and why it's awesome

Strange Leaflet about Elixir - Page 4

Using processes to handle asynchronous work

Strange Leaflet about Elixir - Page 3

How Elixir processes do

Strange Leaflet about Elixir - Page 2

What is the BEAM and why is it so awesome?

Strange Leaflet about Elixir - Page 1

Elixir is a language of independently running processes

Let's query the GitHub GraphQL API from a Livebook smart cell

In which we write a Livebook smart cell to allow querying the Github GraphQL API

Let's write an Elixir Livebook smart cell

The basics of how to write an Elixir Livebook smart cell