Add UnusualDatabaseProtocolServer - sdball/protohackers
- Author: Stephen Ball
- Published:
- Permalink: /blog/add-unusualdatabaseprotocolserver
Commit b5d001b from
Hey UDP! Fast, connection-less, order-less, state-less, error-prone packets!
Ok maybe error-prone is too harsh, but I ran into errors with the checks for this problem in which the Protohackers checks would stop communicating with my server without any reason. I could still query my server from other sources but the Protohackers checks just didn’t see any data.
The problem there could lie with my server, my server configuration,’s networking, the networking layers between and Protohackers, Protohackers networking config, or the Protohackers client. Or even a bunch of other places whee.
At any rate this was a very straightforward problem from the application side. A little message splitting, a bit of data work, no problem.
I took the opportunity to try out a server setup where I have an
active: true
configuration. That means that instead of explicitly
receiving messages by calling :gen_udp.recv
(or :gen_tcp.recv
my server process will get the incoming network messages as Elixir
process messages.
I also leaned more into messages for handling the request/response lifecycle for my GenServer instead of handling all of the interaction at once.
How’s that work? Let’s walk through a couple requests.
The general flow
An incoming insert packet is handled by the
is the callback function that receives all Elixir
messages sent to the process)
function recognizes a UDP packet and pulls apart the relevant networking details. Then it determines if the message is an insert or retrieve and sends itself a message with the relevant details necessary to complete that work.
Actually that’s not quite true, instead of a low level Elixir message
I use GenServer.cast
to asynchronously send the message at a
slightly higher level of abstraction. The effect is pretty much the
The specific
function to apply is patterned matched. Thehandle_cast
function does its specific work and updates the GenServer state.
All GenServer callbacks return the new GenServer state as part of their contract. That state may be changed or unchanged depending on the specific work of the function. For an insert’s case the state is changed with new database data structure after the insert has been applied. For a retrieve’s case the state is unchanged.
An incoming insert packet is handled by the
function -
function recognizes a UDP packet and pulls apart the relevant networking details. Then it determines the message is an insert and callsGenServer.cast
to send an insert message with the details. -
The specific
implementation for an insert is pattern matched. That function is only concerned with updating the database in the state.
An incoming retrieve packet is handled by the
function -
function recognizes a UDP packet and pulls apart the relevant networking details. Then it determines the message is a retrieve and callsGenServer.cast
to send an insert message with the details. -
The specific
implementation for a retrieve is pattern matched. That function is only concerned with querying the database and sending a UDP packet back to the original message source.
Nothing fancy here. “version” requests are specially recognized per the spec and not even given a chance to incorrectly alter the database because they get nowhere near the data handling.
b5d001b228a3b4848b6bdc9eafec2535f7c58e1b on sdball/protohackers
added files
defmodule Protohackers.UnusualDatabaseProtocolServer do
@moduledoc """
UDP-based key/value store implementation
Since UDP does not provide retransmission of dropped packets clients have
to be careful not to send requests too fast, and have to accept that some
requests or responses may be dropped.
Each request, and each response, is a single UDP packet.
There are only two types of request: **insert** and **retrieve**. Insert
allows a client to insert a value for a key, and retrieve allows a client to
retrieve the value for a key.
## Insert
A request is an insert if it contains an equals sign ("=", or ASCII 61).
The first equals sign separates the key from the value. This means keys can
not contain the equals sign. Other than the equals sign, keys can be made up
of any arbitrary characters. The empty string is a valid key.
Subsequent equals signs (if any) are included in the value. The value can be
any arbitrary data, including the empty string.
For example:
* `foo=bar` will insert a key `foo` with value `bar`.
* `foo=bar=baz` will insert a key `foo` with value `bar=baz`.
* `foo=` will insert a key `foo` with an empty string value.
* `foo===` will insert a key `foo` with value `==`.
* `=foo` will insert a key of the empty string with value `foo`.
If the server receives an insert request for a key that already exists, the
stored value will be updated to the new value.
An insert request does not yield a response.
## Retrieve
A request that does not contain an equals sign is a retrieve request.
In response to a retrieve request, the server will send back the key and its
corresponding value, separated by an equals sign. Responses will be sent to
the IP address and port number that the request originated from.
If a requests is for a key that has been inserted multiple times, the server
must return the most recent value.
If a request attempts to retrieve a key for which no value exists, the server
will not respond.
### Example request:
### Example response:
use GenServer
require Logger
def start_link(port \\ 11239) do
GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, port)
defstruct [:open_socket, :supervisor, database:]
@impl true
def init(port) do
{:ok, supervisor} = Task.Supervisor.start_link(max_children: 100)
bind_ip =
if Mix.env() == :prod do
{:ok, fly_global_services_ip} = :inet.getaddr('fly-global-services', :inet)
{127, 0, 0, 1}
open_options = [
mode: :binary,
ip: bind_ip
with {:ok, open_socket} <-, open_options) do"Opened port #{port} for UnusualDatabaseProtocol Server on #{inspect(bind_ip)}")
state = %__MODULE__{open_socket: open_socket, supervisor: supervisor}
{:ok, state}
{:error, reason} ->
{:stop, reason}
@impl true
def handle_info({:udp, socket, remote_ip, remote_port, message}, state) do
cond do
message == "version" ->
GenServer.cast(self(), {:version, {socket, remote_ip, remote_port}})
String.contains?(message, "=") ->
GenServer.cast(self(), {:insert, message})
true ->
GenServer.cast(self(), {:retrieve, {socket, remote_ip, remote_port, message}})
{:noreply, state}
def handle_info(msg, state) do"[UDP] Elixir message: #{inspect(msg)}")
{:noreply, state}
@impl true
def handle_cast({:insert, message}, state) do
[key | value] = String.split(message, "=")
value = Enum.join(value, "=")
new_database = insert(state.database, key, value)"[UDP] wrote #{key} / #{value} into the database")
{:noreply, %{state | database: new_database}}
def handle_cast({:retrieve, {socket, ip, port, key}}, state) do
with {:ok, value} <- retrieve(state.database, key) do
response = key <> "=" <> value"[UDP] sending #{response} for #{key} to #{inspect(ip)}:#{port}")
:gen_udp.send(socket, ip, port, response)
{:noreply, state}
def handle_cast({:version, {socket, ip, port}}, state) do"[UDP] sending version response to #{inspect(ip)}:#{port}")
:gen_udp.send(socket, ip, port, "version=sdball unusual database protocol server v1")
{:noreply, state}
def insert(database, key, value) do
Map.put(database, key, value)
def retrieve(database, key) do
case Map.get(database, key) do
nil -> {:error, :missing}
value -> {:ok, value}
defmodule Protohackers.UnusualDatabaseProtocolServerTest do
use ExUnit.Case
test "a client can write and retrieve a key/value" do
key = "magic word"
value = "xyzzy"
{:ok, socket} =, mode: :binary, active: false)
# write the key/value
:gen_udp.send(socket, ~c(localhost), 11239, Enum.join([key, value], "="))
# wait for networking
# read the value
:gen_udp.send(socket, ~c(localhost), 11239, key)
{:ok, {_ip, _port, response}} = :gen_udp.recv(socket, 0)
assert response == "magic word=xyzzy"
test "extra delimiters are treated as part of the value" do
key = "hello"
message = "hello=old=friend"
{:ok, socket} =, mode: :binary, active: false)
# write the key/value
:gen_udp.send(socket, ~c(localhost), 11239, message)
# wait for networking
# read the value
:gen_udp.send(socket, ~c(localhost), 11239, key)
{:ok, {_ip, _port, response}} = :gen_udp.recv(socket, 0)
assert response == message
test "an unset key returns nothing" do
key = "plugh"
{:ok, socket} =, mode: :binary, active: false)
# read the value
:gen_udp.send(socket, ~c(localhost), 11239, key)
{:error, :timeout} = :gen_udp.recv(socket, 0, 100)
modified files
diff --git a/fly.toml b/fly.toml
index 0463b7f..2336f47 100644
--- a/fly.toml
+++ b/fly.toml
@@ -14,56 +14,100 @@ allowed_public_ports = []
auto_rollback = true
-http_checks = []
-internal_port = 11235
-processes = ["app"]
-protocol = "tcp"
-script_checks = []
+ http_checks = []
+ internal_port = 11235
+ processes = ["app"]
+ protocol = "tcp"
+ script_checks = []
-handlers = []
-port = "11235"
+ [[services.ports]]
+ handlers = []
+ port = "11235"
+ [services.concurrency]
+ hard_limit = 25
+ soft_limit = 20
+ type = "connections"
+ [[services.tcp_checks]]
+ grace_period = "15s"
+ interval = "30s"
+ restart_limit = 0
+ timeout = "2s"
+ http_checks = []
+ internal_port = 11236
+ processes = ["app"]
+ protocol = "tcp"
+ script_checks = []
+ [[services.ports]]
+ handlers = []
+ port = "11236"
+ [services.concurrency]
+ hard_limit = 25
+ soft_limit = 20
+ type = "connections"
+ [[services.tcp_checks]]
+ grace_period = "15s"
+ interval = "30s"
+ restart_limit = 0
+ timeout = "2s"
-http_checks = []
-internal_port = 11236
-processes = ["app"]
-protocol = "tcp"
-script_checks = []
+ http_checks = []
+ internal_port = 11237
+ processes = ["app"]
+ protocol = "tcp"
+ script_checks = []
+ [[services.ports]]
+ handlers = []
+ port = "11237"
+ [services.concurrency]
+ hard_limit = 25
+ soft_limit = 20
+ type = "connections"
-handlers = []
-port = "11236"
+ [[services.tcp_checks]]
+ grace_period = "15s"
+ interval = "30s"
+ restart_limit = 0
+ timeout = "2s"
-http_checks = []
-internal_port = 11237
-processes = ["app"]
-protocol = "tcp"
-script_checks = []
+ http_checks = []
+ internal_port = 11238
+ processes = ["app"]
+ protocol = "tcp"
+ script_checks = []
-handlers = []
-port = "11237"
+ [[services.ports]]
+ handlers = []
+ port = "11238"
+ [services.concurrency]
+ hard_limit = 25
+ soft_limit = 20
+ type = "connections"
+ [[services.tcp_checks]]
+ grace_period = "15s"
+ interval = "30s"
+ restart_limit = 0
+ timeout = "2s"
-http_checks = []
-internal_port = 11238
-processes = ["app"]
-protocol = "tcp"
-script_checks = []
-handlers = []
-port = "11238"
-hard_limit = 25
-soft_limit = 20
-type = "connections"
-grace_period = "15s"
-interval = "30s"
-restart_limit = 0
-timeout = "2s"
+ http_checks = []
+ internal_port = 11239
+ processes = ["app"]
+ protocol = "udp"
+ script_checks = []
+ [[services.ports]]
+ handlers = []
+ port = "11239"
diff --git a/lib/protohackers/application.ex b/lib/protohackers/application.ex
index ca1ba1b..bbe0391 100644
--- a/lib/protohackers/application.ex
+++ b/lib/protohackers/application.ex
@@ -9,7 +9,8 @@ defmodule Protohackers.Application do
{Protohackers.EchoServer, 11235},
{Protohackers.IsPrimeServer, 11236},
{Protohackers.AssetPriceServer, 11237},
- {Protohackers.ChatRoomServer, 11238}
+ {Protohackers.ChatRoomServer, 11238},
+ {Protohackers.UnusualDatabaseProtocolServer, 11239}
opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: Protohackers.Supervisor]